
Making a video for your business? Don't forget the most important part.

March 9, 2024
Making a video for your business? Don't forget the most important part.

This is the most forgotten element of business videos.
Make sure it features in yours!

You've organised a great location to shoot your video, your camera and lights are all ready to go, and the audio is sounding top-notch.

But hold on ... you haven't forgotten the MOST important thing, have you?

At Embrace Video, we're passionate about helping businesses and organisations to harness the power of video.

We hold their hands through the whole video production process to create engaging content that persuades their audience to act.

Part of that process is about developing a robust and creative structure for their videos - from a hook that captures the viewer's attention, through to the conclusion at the end.

And it's the end of the video that businesses and organisations often seem to forget to give attention to ... yet it's the most important part!

It's very simple: Make sure your video has a clear call to action.

The end of your video should make it clear what you want the viewer to do next. Send you an email? Give you a call? Book a consultation? Register to your newsletter? Visit your website? Download a free trial?

Every piece of video content you create should form part of your business's wider marketing strategy. Your videos should motivate the viewer to DO something. Don't be tempted to simply end on your company's logo or a pretty drone shot of your office - make it clear what you'd like the viewer to do next.

Whatever your call to action - make sure it's clear and obvious.

Follow me for more video production tips and advice.

I take immense pride in having helped more than 20 organisations to kickstart their video marketing efforts since launching Embrace Video in 2022.

As well as creating professional corporate videos for our clients, I've delivered smartphone video training to a global hotel chain, an insurance broker and wealth management company, a global bank, a football club, an award-winning food brand, and two national charities.

I'm always very happy to answer any video-related questions you may have. Feel free to get in touch!

It's time to get visible with video.

In 2024, it's never been more important to make video a key part of your marketing strategy.

If you're ready to get visible with video, get in touch to find out how we could help you achieve your goals with film 🎬

07513 821628


#videoproduction #promotionalvideos #animation #casestudyvideos #productdemovideos #customertestimonials #recruitmentfilms #eventvideos #GetVisibleWithVideo #EmbraceVideo

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